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Get More Leads

Than You Can Handle

With Content Day

Unlock a Multitude of Success as a Real Estate Leader! Elevate your real estate team or brokerage to new heights with Content Day.

This all-inclusive system not only empowers you to generate an abundance of quality leads through engaging short-form video content on social media but also equips you with essential tools for recruiting top talent, retaining valuable team members, and enhancing your brand.

Bid farewell to the guesswork as we provide you with scripts, descriptions, expert editing, and personalized coaching, ensuring not only lead generation success but also a comprehensive strategy to fortify your team and brand in the competitive real estate landscape. Welcome to a future where success knows no bounds with Content Day.

Seize the Growth Opportunities
in the Evolving Real Estate Landscape!

Team leaders and brokers, the changing dynamics of real estate present unprecedented growth opportunities, and Content Day is your key to unlocking them.

Harness the dynamism of social media with compelling content that not only magnifies your market visibility but reshapes client engagement.

In this era of transformation, Content Day propels you beyond mere standing out – it positions you as a leader ready to embrace the massive opportunities for growth that the evolving real estate landscape offers. Be at the forefront of innovation and success with Content Day's dynamic approach.

Lead the Charge in a Shifting

Real Estate Landscape!

The real estate market is dynamic, and with Content Day, team leaders and brokers stay ahead of the curve. Don't lag behind in a shifting market – embrace Content Day's comprehensive system.

We equip you to not just adapt but thrive, providing the tools and strategies essential for leadership in a dynamic industry. It's your proactive solution to stand strong amidst change and lead the way forward.

Disruption in any industry brings forth opportunities and one of those is to grow market share which includes recruiting. Register now and unleash the most powerful recruiting tool available.



Get Relevant Scripts Monthly

Receive expertly crafted, up-to-date scripts each month to elevate your video content and engage your audience effectively.


Get An Outline On How To Host Your Own CONTENT DAY


Access a step-by-step guide to successfully organize and execute your own CONTENT DAY for impactful social media creation for your agents which is the key to retention!


Learn HOW To Record Relevant VIDEOS

Gain insights on creating videos that resonate with your audience and enhance your real estate brand maximizing your recruiting opportunities.


Get YOUR Videos Edited For YOU


Benefit from professional editing services to polish your videos to get results. Editing, music, captions, descriptions, emojis - we handle it all!


Get Timely HOOKS and Descriptions


Receive engaging hooks and compelling descriptions tailored to capture your audience's attention.


Monthly Group Mastermind and MORE


Join monthly mastermind sessions with group learning and additional exclusive resources to accelerate your success.

As a MEMBER You Will…

Benefits of Joining the Content Day Community


Adapt and Dominate

Our service ensures you’re well-equipped to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving real estate marketing landscape, giving you the edge you need in this tough market.

As the ever-evolving marketing landscape changes, don’t worry about figuring it all out, we will take care of it for you and deliver it to you on a silver platter!

Unleash Your Inner Marketing Maverick

With personalized coaching and cutting-edge tools, Content Day empowers you to excel in a fast-changing market where lead generation is more vital than ever.

We will show you how to develop a marketing plan uniquely tailored to your style, making you a standout agent in your marketplace!

Experience Explosive Lead Growth

Content Day streamlines your lead generation through captivating video content, while we effortlessly handle everything from scripting to editing, descriptions, hashtags and even posting!


Don’t worry about recording, we have figure out the simplest possible way to record content. When you are done recording, just upload and we will take it from there!

More Time and Money In Your Pocket

Access all of your cutting edge lead generation in one place, allowing you to focus your energy on creating the relationships that lead to closings and we will take care of the rest.

With our start to finish platform, we will handle everything from content creating to distribution. We will also share with you all of the proven methods to go from views to closings!

House with a Backyard

Don’t Let The Industry Pass You By!

Register now and discover how to thrive in this market while your competitors are crying and wondering what just happened!


Your Real Estate Success Hangs in the Balance!

✓ Protect Your Financial Security: Content Day provides a shield against uncertainty in the real estate market, helping you safeguard your financial future.

✓ Boost Your Marketability: Don't risk falling behind the competition. Sign up now to enhance your marketability and stand out in the crowded real estate landscape.

✓ Stay Ahead of the Curve: With Content Day, you'll always be on the cutting edge of real estate marketing, ensuring you stay ahead in an ever-changing industry.

✓ Supercharge Your Growth Potential: Don't miss the chance to supercharge your lead generation and maximize your business's growth potential with Content Day.

✓ Embrace the Real Estate Revolution: Join the movement of agents and leaders who are proactively adapting to change and thriving in today's challenging real estate market.

✓ Invest in Your Real Estate Legacy: Content Day is your insurance policy for real estate success. Act now to secure your legacy and thrive in the face of industry challenges while enjoying a huge, limited-time discount.

BEFORE: $499

NOW $249!

Team of Industrial Engineers

Why Do I Need This Right Now?

You may not need it...if you're already achieving every single one of your real estate goals with ease, feeling entirely fulfilled, and basking in unshakable market-proof success. Or, perhaps, you're handling more business than you can even keep up with and you’ve mastered the new marketing landscape.

But if that's not the complete truth for you, trust us for the next phase of your real estate journey.

Content Day offers a revolutionary approach to take your real estate business to the next level. Embrace our services to unlock the strategies and 'aha' moments that will elevate your lead generation.

Don't wait, take action now. Instead of treading water, gain the right tools, skills, strategic plans, and a proven blueprint to thrive in an ever-changing market. The time for powerful preparation is here, as we equip you to rise above the market's uncertainty and achieve unprecedented success through expert digital marketing strategies.

Our Story

In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of real estate and finance, Scott DiGregorio and Edgardo Balentine stand out as the visionary founders of



“I'm not tech-savvy. Can I really do this?"

Absolutely! Content Day is designed to be user-friendly, regardless of your tech expertise. We provide step-by-step guidance, personalized coaching, and all the tools you need to thrive. Our system empowers you to create engaging content with ease, even if you're not a tech whiz.

"Why should I invest in this when the real estate market is so uncertain?"

That's precisely why Content Day is vital! In uncertain markets, adapting is key, and our service equips you with the strategies needed to thrive in any environment. It's a chance to future-proof your origination business and secure your financial success.

"I'm already successful. Why do I need this?"

Successful originators understand the importance of staying ahead of the masses. Content Day helps you build on your success, enhance your marketability, and continue to grow your business. In light of everything going on in the industry, it is more important than ever to grow your personal brand and your audience. What worked yesterday won’t necessarily work tomorrow and that is why you need content day, now more than ever.

"What if I don't have time for this?"

Content Day is designed to save you time, not consume it. We streamline your content creation process, handle editing, and even deal with posting. If you can invest just 1 hour per month, we will do the rest and help take your business to the next level. Our goal is to make your life easier while boosting your status in the real estate community by growing your personal brand and expanding your Realtor base and your audience like never before.

"What if I'm not ready to change my current methods?"

Sticking to the same methods can be risky in an evolving market. Content Day isn't about completely changing your approach; it's about enhancing it. Our system complements your existing strategies, making them more effective and adaptable to changing market conditions.

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